Learning Out Loud!
Financial Peace for Teens and Parents

I am now offering the first of two special 6 week intensive sessions on Dave Ramsey's Foundations of Personal Finance

This is the first of two classes that you and your teenager can take together or separately to learn about how to make good decisions about money now and in the years to come. 

Session 1: 
Day time

Sept 30 - Nov 4, 2011
Friday at 9:00am-11:30am
At Acting Up, 1604 and Bandera rd

Session 1: 

Sept 30 - Nov 4, 2011
Sunday at 6:00-8:30pm
At Acting Up, 1604 and Bandera rd

The class meets for 2 1/2 hours for a each of the two six-week sessions.  Sign up for the first session now.  If you don't like the first class, you don't have to pay.  Classes include group activities and discussions along with viewing the Dave Ramsey video and completing the work book.  You will also have additional material made available to your family to supplement the in class instruction such as:  
       study questions ---   tests ---  worksheets  ---  projects  --- on-line resources
I know that each family has very different educational priorities and this class can fit schedules that are full or need more academic, creative, and technology based challenges to enhance learning on your own schedule and at your own pace. 

Tuition is $165 per student per session and includes 6 classes, supplies, and access to supplemental material.  The workbook can be purchased from me for $12 (until I run out) or online for up to $17.95.  The first five families to sign up will each get a free workbook (one per family)!  Also, if you have a large family, every third family member is free! The class will meet at Acting Up Creative Drama Academy, at 1604 and Bandera Road (actingupcda.com).

  Call 210-364-5425 to register.  Payment is collected in full at the conclusion of the first session.  If you don't like it, you don't pay.  

Session 1 Includes:

               Chapter 1: Savings
               Chapter 7: Budgeting 101
               Chapter 8: Bargain Shopping
               Chapter 3: Wealth Building and College 
               Chapter 4: Dangers of Debt
               Chapter 5: Consumer Awareness 
Session 2 Includes:

               Chapter 9: Relating with Money
               Chapter 2: Understanding Investments
               Chapter 6: Credit Bureaus and Collection 
               Chapter 12: Real Estate and Mortgages
               Chapter 11: Ins and Outs of Insurance
               Chapter 10: Careers and Employment Taxes


Give your child the gift of knowing how to live debt free!  

   What would you do with $1,000,000? This class will help students make informed decisions about the money they do have and how to get and keep the money they earn for their future.

       The  Foundations of Personal Finance curriculum designed just for home schoolers relates directly to the teen and their experiences.  The Teacher adds meaningful examples, activities, discussions, financial planning projects and field trips (with the help of parent volunteers) to help the students stay engaged and motivated to take control of their financial future now!  This TEA approved curriculum will include the weekly viewing of Dave Ramsey's DVD, completing the student workbook, (purchase required $10-$17) and learning Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University principles to live debt free for life!

Class Description: from daveramsey.com:
 "Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance empowers students to make sound financial decisions for life." "… this is the premier curriculum for teaching high school students about money. Educators appreciate the turn-key system’s adherence to national and state standards, while students experience interactive learning with Dave’s practical, down-to-earth style."

"Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey teaches the course on DVD. Both engaging and entertaining, Ramsey walks students through the steps to financial peace, helping them prepare for the ups and downs of money before they enter adulthood. Students will see an immediate impact on their knowledge of personal finance."


A free and private class web page at myschoolbinder.com will provide students and parents with lesson plans, resources, assignment calendars, class summaries, discussion forums, and more, in a safe and secure environment.  The class web page will be the communication forum for the class and will allow students and parents to know exactly what is happening with the class, as well as providing families opportunities for further study at home. 
 Parents are encouraged to attend the first class if possible. 

Learning Out Loud!  Homeschool 
San Antonio, Texas
[email protected]